Protecting Your Teeth From Stains

Putnam Family Dental is here when you need a dentist. Dr. Alaa Ahmed and Dr. Islam Dehis help keep your mouth healthy and smile beautiful with restorative and cosmetic dental services. We can help you get to your brightest, whitest smile with teeth whitening treatments, but you need to keep up a great oral hygiene routine and make smart choices to protect your teeth from stains. Keep reading for tips, and come see us for professional teeth whitening in Putnam, CT, if you're unhappy with the shade of your smile.

Regular appointments

If you want to keep your teeth at their whitest, it's important to keep up with regular teeth cleanings twice a year. At a professional teeth cleaning appointment, all plaque and tartar is removed from the surfaces of the teeth, which prevents tooth decay, gum disease, and helps keep your teeth free of stains.

Smart choices

Certain beverages like coffee, tea, soda, and wine can lead to staining on the teeth. Enjoy these occasionally, and with water so your teeth get rinsed at the same time. You can also use a straw, which will limit your teeth's exposure to the drinks.

Smoking can lead to heavy staining on your teeth, and your dentist will always recommend quitting smoking to prevent oral cancer. Most people can't quit on their own or on their first try, so don't get discouraged! Make the change for your health and to keep your beautiful smile.

Daily brushing and flossing

A great oral hygiene routine is important to keep your smile at its whitest and brightest. Your dentist will recommend brushing for two minutes twice a day and flossing at least once a day. If you have a history of cavities your dentist may recommend adding a fluoride rinse to your routine. Daily brushing and flossing keeps plaque from building up on your teeth, preventing tooth decay and gum disease, and keeping your teeth free from stains.

Learn about teeth whitening in Putnam, CT

Putnam Family Dental offers teeth whitening in Putnam, CT, for patients unhappy with the shade of their smile. Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Dehis recommend keeping regular appointments and practicing good habits to protect your teeth from stains! Contact us for an appointment at (860) 928-5334.

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