Don't Ignore These Signs Of Gum Disease

Regular visits to Dr. Alaa Ahmed and Dr. Islam Dehis of Putnam Family Dental, your family dentists in Putnam, CT, will help you lower your risk of gum disease. You might have the disease if you've noticed any of these signs or symptoms:

Red, Swollen Gums

Gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease, occurs when your gums become irritated and inflamed due to poor oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing remove plaque and prevent it from turning into a hard deposit called tartar. If you don't brush or floss thoroughly, plaque and tartar can irritate your gums causing gingivitis.

If your gums look red and puffy, you may have gingivitis. Fortunately, it's often possible to reverse the gum condition by improving your oral hygiene and making an appointment with the Putnam, CT, office of your family dentist for a dental cleaning.

Receding Gums

Your gums may begin to recede if you have gum disease. Receding gums expose the sensitive roots of teeth and make your teeth look longer. If gum disease isn't diagnosed and treated promptly, you may need tissue grafts to replace lost gum tissue.


Irritated, inflamed, or infected gums can be very painful. The slightest amount of pressure against your gums, whether it occurs when you're brushing your teeth or chewing, can cause pain to worsen. Eating hot, cold, or sugary foods and drinks can also trigger pain in your exposed tooth roots.


Inflamed gums tend to bleed easily when brushing or flossing. Although many people think a little bleeding is nothing to worry about, bleeding is actually one of the earliest signs of gum disease.

Bad Breath

Do you have bad breath most of the time, even though you brush your teeth and use mouthwash? Gum disease may be the reason that your breath never smells fresh. An increase in bacteria in your gums may be to blame for your bad breath.

Pockets Around Teeth

As gum disease worsens, your gums begin to pull away from your teeth forming pockets. If you notice pockets, you'll need to start gum disease treatment to protect your smile. In addition to deep cleaning to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria above and below the gum line, you may need flap surgery to reattach your gums around your teeth.

Loose Teeth or Dentures

Gum disease not only damages your gums but can destroy the bones and ligaments that hold your teeth in place. You might have gum disease if you notice

  • Loose teeth
  • Poor denture fit
  • A change in your bite, the way your upper and lower teeth fit together.

Are you worried that you may have gum disease? Call your family dentists in Putnam, CT, Dr. Ahmed or Dr. Dehis of Putnam Family Dental, at (860) 928-5334 to schedule your appointment.

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